Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Cleanse Exercises...Explained (Step One)

The best part about cleansing in preparation for a New Year, is the self expression and learning that comes with it.  Sometimes we have so many layers, that even some are hidden from ourselves.  The exercises we did on our New Years retreat were meant to expose some of those layers. 

Release Negative Thoughts & Embrace Positive Thoughts (Exercise)
Supplies: Journal & Pen

Step One
First, release what has been holding you back.  Most of the time, its our thoughts and self-image.  In the release and manifest exercises or otherwise known as a Negativity Fast, we write down ALL our Negative thoughts. 

For example: "I will never amount to anything."  "I will never be successful in business."  "I am ugly."

Negative Thoughts are the pollution to our lives.  We may not realize it, but they actually manifest our reality.  If you think you are a failure, you will fail.  That is the honest truth.  So after you list all the Negative thoughts that come to mind, in another column begin to change your thinking by creating Positive thoughts.  It's easier than you think.  Sometimes it's changing the "never" into "am" or the "not" into "will" 

Step Two
The next step is to read the Negative thoughts with a releasing phrase, and the Positive thoughts with a manifesting phrase.  Go through the entire list. 

For an example:  "I release the negative thought that I will never amount to anything.  I manifest into my reality, that I am achieving all that God has in store for me.  I am already a success in everything I do." 

You'll be amazed at how liberating something so simple can be. 

Step Three
Now re-read the Positive list again slowly, and give every word Power!
Now commit to NO Negative thoughts or words for Three(3) Days. Can you Do it?!  Yes you Can!

1 comment:

  1. These step can be used, whenever, one has a negative feeling....or experience another's negative vibe...These steps will help to keep our aura, and spirits cleansed.
