Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be Passionate in Your Pursuits!

You know the saying, "Don't put all your eggs in one Basket!"
Well it can be applied to every aspect of life. 

If you raise the bar for everything, not just for one area, you create a higher standard for life.  For example, so many people put all their eggs in a weight-loss basket, but when it stops going well - and it will - you get deflated.  Instead be passionate each day about making your overall life a little better.  Every moment or every day, take it up a notch!  Have several areas that interest you and pursue them with passion!

Try This:

Pursue Your Passion

By this time next year, I want to ___________________________________

To make this happen, I need to ___________________________________

My next step is to __________________________________________

Stay Inspired!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Simply Stated...

"If we are what we eat...then be delicious!"

- A Billboard

Monday, January 25, 2010

Simply Stated...

"I CAN is 100 times more important than IQ"
- Anonymous

Friday, January 22, 2010

Your Light!

The Light that flows through you is Universal energy. You give that Light form by what you feel, what you think, how you behave, what you value, and how you live your life. It’s as if you are shaping the Light into forms or manifestations of you.

This Light reflects you!

Imagine you are a light bulb and your soul is the energy that shines you into a room, into a building, or into the World. Without all components working together, you may not shine as bright as you should or could. You change the way the light shines or your outcomes, by changing your consciousness or intentions. You can do this, for an example, when you challenge a negative pattern, such as anger, and choose to replace it with compassion or when you challenge impatience and consciously choose to understand and appreciate the needs of others. A Change in thought or feeling and action; changes your experiences.

Every experience reflects your intentions in life. An intention is not only desire. It is the use of your will. If you don't like the relationship that you have with your husband, friend or colleague, and you would like it to be different, that desire alone will not change your relationship. If you truly desire to change your relationships with others, that change begins with the intention to change it, and the action to make it a reality. Sometimes just changing the way we look at things, alleviating assumption and judgments, can create immediate ease, harmony, clear perspective, and success.

Can you go an entire day, not making assumptions, paying attention to what people say and do, and not how you perceive them to be? Can you do it? Give it a shot.

Stay Inspired!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Simply Stated...

"Be the Change you want to see in the WORLD!" - Gandhi

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The "You Uncovered"...

Most people think that once you become an adult, you know all there is to know about the World and especially yourself.  We forget that as a living organism, you will change and adapt to your surroundings.  Often parts of us will evolve and be created, while other parts of us will die.  So with this in mind, let's re-learn ourselves as we are today.  Through-out the Year, I will share with you a few exercises that create self-understanding through exploration.  I hope you enjoy.
Identify What's Important
Supplies: Pen or Pencil, and Journal.

  • Draw a circle and divide it into eight slices. 
  • List what's important to you: family, friendships, career, health and so on.
  • Then rate each one as either positive or negative, based on how it's going.  If you are in a great relationship, then it would be (+).  If you are struggling at accomplishing all your career aspirations and goals, then it would be (-). 

Now, look at the Circle.  
Write out the negatives in a list right under the circle. 
These are the areas that ZAP your motivation, and that you need to improve. 

You are the only one that can change these areas.  You!  The key is what you rate negative, because you're saying it's important - but you're also saying it's ignored. 

Be your Change! 
Stay Inspired...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simply Stated...

"People don't disappoint us, Our Expectations Do!"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Start with the Spirit!

It's been said that the most popular New Years resolution or plan is to lose weight or improve health.  While 85% of people make this choice or plan, about 5% actually accomplish it.  That's why Health clubs and Fitness centers really push membership in Dec and Jan.  For the most part they know you won't show-up after Feb. 

Why not repair & heal your body by starting with the spirit?!

The reasons we have been lazy or unmotivated with our healthy or fitness routines, has more to do with what is going on internally then anything.  So Feed your spirit with goodness!  Joy, Love and Positivity are all mood-boosters that create a perfect state of mind to motivate all the rest.  Anything you want to accomplish, will come naturally afterwards. 

Creating Success from the inside out...
  1. Count your blessings.  Express gratitude for what you have or convey your appreciation to everyone you've never properly thanked.  It's amazing how being nice to people can be its own reward.
  2. Cultivate Optimism.  Keep a positive outlook on today, next week, next month, this year.  There is no reason you can't create small steps, that help create the best possible outcome for you.  What will make you happy today?  Why only plan for the end of the Year?  (If I get all my clothes washed today...then Today is a GREAT day!)
  3. Don't worry about the Joneses.  Not worrying about what other people do, say or think is sometimes easier said then down.  When others accomplish greatness or success, learn how to be genuinely happy for them and acknowledge it.  Don't spend time comparing yourself or creating competition.  The Universe is so vast, that there is enough room for us all to succeed.  Please know that being jealous or a "Hater" only brings you down.  
  4. Practice acts of kindness. Doing good things for others is an instant pick-me-up!  Everyone should commit to helping out someone less fortunate, for at minimum, once a month.  I volunteer with a youth based group, to help them learn how to become entrepreneurs every Wednesday.  I also try to do some volunteering in my community as often as possible.  Do what fits into your schedule.  Remember it doesn't have to be on a big scale.  If you see a person struggling with groceries to their car, or a person needs a quarter to be able to get some food...what's stopping you from helping them out? 
The only person that benefits from creating more goodness in our lives, is really ourselves.  Make a commitment.

"I promise to remember what feeds my spirit, and bring more of it into my life."
Stay Inspired!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

What's your Theme for 2010?

Resolution (noun): a resolve or determination: to make a firm plan to do something.

Goal (noun): the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Now that we are four days into 2010, please make sure that you are being realistic with your goals or resolutions.  When creating your plan, hopefully you were as simple and direct as possible.  When your goals are dreams or aspirations, there is a chance that you may not be able to complete them.  If you don't have a clue on how to get to the end result, chances are it will end up on your list again next year. 

Take the first couple of weeks and review your 2010 Plan.  Create a Theme for the Year if you are too worried about creating Goals.  Treat the theme as your constant meditation, idea or motif .  If you do create both a theme and goals, try to create solid steps toward achieving these goals.  Don't just list items, to never look at the list again until the end of the Year.  Be more involved in your success. 

My Theme for 2010: Discovering Courage & Strength, Gaining Creativity, Enthusiasm & Resources for the present and future! 

Stay Inspired People!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Cleanse Exercises...Explained (Step Two)

There is a lot to be discovered about yourself by how you view and value Money. 

Money Exercise
Supplies: Journal, Blank Check, Timer & Pen

Step One
Take a blank check, a piece of paper or one of your checks.  You can write the check to the amount you desire to be successful in life.  Now its up to you if its for one year, five years or even ten years.  Everything is up to you.   There are no wrong, too high or too low answers.  Remember this is to help you learn more about yourself.  Pay close attention to your inner dialogue, this is were your inner truth lies.  What amount do you want?  How much do you really need?  How much is too much? 

Step Two
In your mind imagine what you are going to do with the money.  Now set your timer to 10 minutes, and write out a budget that spends the total amount.  Be honest and only give yourself 10 minutes.  Even if you listed $40,000,000, SPEND IT ALL. 

Step Three
When you are done, look at the list.  Read it out loud.  What did you list first?  What were your priorities or desires? Remember: Do not judge yourself.  What did you learn about yourself?

I'll share with you what I learned:
My check was for $2,750.029.  Don't ask me why I picked that amount, I just did.  I spent most of the check on getting out of Debt, starting a company, starting a College Fund for my nephew, giving some money to my Moma, some travel, a 2nd house, and Charity.  I had to ask myself, why did I need all that money to do any of these things.  I may not be able to do all of it right away, but all these are things I can work on right now, just in smaller levels.  The Truth is...I have everything I need already.  My resources aren't money, they are the blessings that come from the Source (GOD).  So if I have everything I need right now, what is there to be afraid of. 

Happy Journey...Keep the Vision Going.

Note: Keeping a Journal as a part of your cleanse and Yearly progress is highly recommended.  You can refer to your thoughts later and learn as you continue to grow on your Journey.

New Years Cleanse Exercises...Explained (Step One)

The best part about cleansing in preparation for a New Year, is the self expression and learning that comes with it.  Sometimes we have so many layers, that even some are hidden from ourselves.  The exercises we did on our New Years retreat were meant to expose some of those layers. 

Release Negative Thoughts & Embrace Positive Thoughts (Exercise)
Supplies: Journal & Pen

Step One
First, release what has been holding you back.  Most of the time, its our thoughts and self-image.  In the release and manifest exercises or otherwise known as a Negativity Fast, we write down ALL our Negative thoughts. 

For example: "I will never amount to anything."  "I will never be successful in business."  "I am ugly."

Negative Thoughts are the pollution to our lives.  We may not realize it, but they actually manifest our reality.  If you think you are a failure, you will fail.  That is the honest truth.  So after you list all the Negative thoughts that come to mind, in another column begin to change your thinking by creating Positive thoughts.  It's easier than you think.  Sometimes it's changing the "never" into "am" or the "not" into "will" 

Step Two
The next step is to read the Negative thoughts with a releasing phrase, and the Positive thoughts with a manifesting phrase.  Go through the entire list. 

For an example:  "I release the negative thought that I will never amount to anything.  I manifest into my reality, that I am achieving all that God has in store for me.  I am already a success in everything I do." 

You'll be amazed at how liberating something so simple can be. 

Step Three
Now re-read the Positive list again slowly, and give every word Power!
Now commit to NO Negative thoughts or words for Three(3) Days. Can you Do it?!  Yes you Can!

My Vision Begins...

It seems that 2009 went by so fast.  It was a challenging Year for most people I know or have spoken to.  I guess in a nut shell its great that it went by so fast.  The best part of it, is that we all made it.  I am determined to make sure no matter how fast or slow this Year goes by, I am present, willing and able to take full advantage of its Blessings. 

One of my Goals this Year is this Blog.  The Plan is to share with you, my motivation, my inspiration, my passion in the hopes it will turn into a bright light for you. Nothing I will share should be followed as a bible to what needs to be done or not done. It is just my process, my passion, my way of living for this Year. I hope you will join me on a journey into 2010.


This Year began like most, with a New Year's cleanse to prepare the body, mind and spirit for what lies ahead.  This Year was a little different though.  This Year I created a Vision cleanse and went to the Cabins with two Girlfriends to have the full experience of solitude and change.  This cleanse really helped us to be more motivated than ever.  (Maybe this Year, I'll invite more to be apart of the New Year process for 2011.)  There is nothing like sharing your failures, your successes, your goals, and dreams with good friends. 

So here was the schedule of events:
  • Day One - Tuesday, Dec 29th: Arrival / Relaxation
  • Day Two - Wednesday, Dec 30th:
    • Release Negative Thoughts Exercise.
    • Embrace & Manifest Positive Thoughts Exercise
    • Money Exercise to focus on What are our true Resources
    • Gratitude Board
    • Reflection and Personal Expression
  • Day Three - Thursday, Dec 31st (New Years Eve):
    • Vision Board
    • 2010 Plan / Goals (Unlimited amount)
    • Write an Individual Prayer for the Year
    • 2015 Plan / Goals (3-4)
  • Day Four - Friday, Jan 1st 2010 (New Years Day):
    • Vision Journal
    • Relaxation
  • Day Five - Saturday, Jan 2nd 2010
    • Departure
(If you want more information about the exercises and how we did everything, please let me know.  I have no problem sharing it.)

So from today on, I will occasionally talk about continuing my vision, or goals, and motivation.  I refuse to spend another Year without pausing to enjoy life.   

Will you join me?