Thursday, January 7, 2010

Start with the Spirit!

It's been said that the most popular New Years resolution or plan is to lose weight or improve health.  While 85% of people make this choice or plan, about 5% actually accomplish it.  That's why Health clubs and Fitness centers really push membership in Dec and Jan.  For the most part they know you won't show-up after Feb. 

Why not repair & heal your body by starting with the spirit?!

The reasons we have been lazy or unmotivated with our healthy or fitness routines, has more to do with what is going on internally then anything.  So Feed your spirit with goodness!  Joy, Love and Positivity are all mood-boosters that create a perfect state of mind to motivate all the rest.  Anything you want to accomplish, will come naturally afterwards. 

Creating Success from the inside out...
  1. Count your blessings.  Express gratitude for what you have or convey your appreciation to everyone you've never properly thanked.  It's amazing how being nice to people can be its own reward.
  2. Cultivate Optimism.  Keep a positive outlook on today, next week, next month, this year.  There is no reason you can't create small steps, that help create the best possible outcome for you.  What will make you happy today?  Why only plan for the end of the Year?  (If I get all my clothes washed today...then Today is a GREAT day!)
  3. Don't worry about the Joneses.  Not worrying about what other people do, say or think is sometimes easier said then down.  When others accomplish greatness or success, learn how to be genuinely happy for them and acknowledge it.  Don't spend time comparing yourself or creating competition.  The Universe is so vast, that there is enough room for us all to succeed.  Please know that being jealous or a "Hater" only brings you down.  
  4. Practice acts of kindness. Doing good things for others is an instant pick-me-up!  Everyone should commit to helping out someone less fortunate, for at minimum, once a month.  I volunteer with a youth based group, to help them learn how to become entrepreneurs every Wednesday.  I also try to do some volunteering in my community as often as possible.  Do what fits into your schedule.  Remember it doesn't have to be on a big scale.  If you see a person struggling with groceries to their car, or a person needs a quarter to be able to get some food...what's stopping you from helping them out? 
The only person that benefits from creating more goodness in our lives, is really ourselves.  Make a commitment.

"I promise to remember what feeds my spirit, and bring more of it into my life."
Stay Inspired!


  1. Ase'....

    I claim my piece of the universe, in my actions and reactions I will mend and heal me! Feeding my spirit....boosting me

  2. well, i brought cupcakes in today...that is my act of kindness. :) definitely looking at like with a more positive outlook....counting blessings, and gaining understand and patience for things that don't go the way i want, when i want.
