Monday, January 4, 2010

What's your Theme for 2010?

Resolution (noun): a resolve or determination: to make a firm plan to do something.

Goal (noun): the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Now that we are four days into 2010, please make sure that you are being realistic with your goals or resolutions.  When creating your plan, hopefully you were as simple and direct as possible.  When your goals are dreams or aspirations, there is a chance that you may not be able to complete them.  If you don't have a clue on how to get to the end result, chances are it will end up on your list again next year. 

Take the first couple of weeks and review your 2010 Plan.  Create a Theme for the Year if you are too worried about creating Goals.  Treat the theme as your constant meditation, idea or motif .  If you do create both a theme and goals, try to create solid steps toward achieving these goals.  Don't just list items, to never look at the list again until the end of the Year.  Be more involved in your success. 

My Theme for 2010: Discovering Courage & Strength, Gaining Creativity, Enthusiasm & Resources for the present and future! 

Stay Inspired People!


  1. I like that idea of creating a 'year theme'. Mines is to Achieve, Resolve, Enhance, Regain, Prepare.

  2. OK, now be more specific for yourself. You don't have to share it, but What will you achieve? What do you want to Resolve? What about you, do you want to enhance? , etc.

    Be specific so the Universe can assist.

    Stay Inspired!

  3. I like this Kasema! My theme is to be a loving, patient, articulate, fun, mother/wife/woman/coworker/professional/daughter!

  4. I just finished outlining my theme...and I have to say it help to clarify, and clear. Very inspiring. Asante Sana Mwana Binti

  5. My theme for the year is to NOT take myself so seriously and to have more fun! I feel like in the past, I'd always be too hard on myself and I feel as I'm getting older that I'm loosening up a bit. But I need to think of more fun things to do and actually plan to do them.
